  • Mario
  • Mario
  • Mario
  • Mario
  • Mario
  • Mario



  • Shelter: Mihăilești
  • Date of entry: 16.12.2024 08:13
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 4 months
  • Size: Unknown
  • Color: Brown

Adoption documents

Please contact us via WhatsApp by clicking the "Adopt me" button so that we can explain the adoption procedure. Thank you!

By pressing the button above, you will send a message to the WhatsApp for the adoption service.

If you prefer to call, this dog is located in the shelter at Mihăilești, and the shelter's phone number is +40 741 817 857 (Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 - 16:00)."

About Mario

Hello, I am Mario, a puppy full of energy and love! With my shiny brown fur, I am ready to bring rays of sunshine into your life. Although I am small and playful, my heart is big and full of the desire to be by your side, to accompany you on every adventure, and to fill you with joy.

I want to offer you the most beautiful moments, to make you laugh with my antics, and to be your best friend. Unfortunately, I am currently at the ASPA Mihăilești shelter, eagerly waiting to find my home. Please, don’t make me wait too long! Come meet me and let me show you how much I love life!

Share Mario`s story!

If you know anyone who might want to adopt me, please share my story with them! It would mean the world to me!