  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Anton



  • Shelter: Bragadiru
  • Date of entry: 27.11.2024 13:23
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 5 months
  • Size: Unknown
  • Color: Black

Adoption documents

Please contact us via WhatsApp by clicking the "Adopt me" button so that we can explain the adoption procedure. Thank you!

By pressing the button above, you will send a message to the WhatsApp for the adoption service.

If you prefer to call, this dog is located in the shelter at Bragadiru, and the shelter's phone number is +40 734 301 394 (Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 - 16:00)."

About Anton

Hello! I am Anton, a playful and lively puppy with my fur as black as the night. I can't wait to find a family that will love and pamper me. Do you dream of a loyal friend? I am the perfect choice! Let's get to know each other and enjoy every day together!

Share Anton`s story!

If you know anyone who might want to adopt me, please share my story with them! It would mean the world to me!